This text provides a comprehensive look at computer networking from the point of view of the network administrator. It guides readers from an entry-level knowledge in computer networks to advanced concepts in Ethernet networks; router configuration; TCP/IP networks; local-, campus-, and wide-area network configuration; network security; optical networks; voice over IP; and industrial networks. Extensive examples on the Windows Server 2003/2008 configuration and system configuration for the Linux operating system are also included. A complete chapter is devoted to protecting and securing a network from potential network attacks. Topics include denial of service attacks, firewalls, intrusion detection, password cracking, packet sniffing, and analyzing unsecured data packets. Other key network security issues, such as configuring router access lists, configuring a virtual private network (VPN) connection, and securing wireless networks, are also covered. Router configuration is examined, ranging from an introduction to router configuration to configuring multiple routing protocols for intranet and Internet data traffic. Routing protocols key to basic network operations are examined, including static, RIP, IGRP, OSPF, EIGRP, and BGP. The discussions on routing protocols are accompanied with in-depth steps for configuring the router to run the protocol, verify operation, and troubleshoot the router.
Key Pedagogical Features
* NET-CHALLENGE SOFTWARE provides a simulated, hands-on experience in configuring routers and switches. Exercises provided in the text and on the CD challenge readers to undertake certain router/switch network configuration tasks. The software has the look and feel of actually being connected to the router or switch console port.
* PROTOCOL ANALYZER SOFTWARE included with the text uses the Finisar Surveyor Demo. Examples of using the software to analyze data traffic are included throughout the text.
* ACCOMPANYING CD-ROM includes the Finisar Surveyor Demo software and captured data traffic used in the text, which enables readers to capture data traffic on their own networks.
* CONFIGURING, ANALYZING, or TROUBLESHOOTING sections are included with each chapter to guide the reader through advanced techniques in networking.
* OBJECTIVES and INTRODUCTION at the beginning of each chapter clearly outline specific goals for the reader.
* EXTENSIVE PROBLEM SETS, SUMMARIES, and QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS (including Critical Thinking questions) are found at the end of each chapter.
* KEY TERMS and their definitions are highlighted in the margins to foster inquisitiveness and ensure retention.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Networking (2nd Edition)
SQL Fundamentals (3rd Edition)
Don’t just learn “generic” SQL. Learn SQL to get results with the world’s top database platforms–Oracle for the enterprise and Microsoft Access for the desktop. Based on John Patrick’s hands-on SQL course at the University of California, Berkeley Extension, this book shows exactly how to retrieve the data you want, when you need it, in any application–from ad hoc reports to the data warehouse. Thoroughly updated for the newest versions of Oracle, Access, and the SQL standard, this book contains more exercises, techniques, and solutions than ever before. You’ll learn exactly how to write SQL queries that are easy to understand, verify, modify, and extend–even if you’ve never worked with databases before.
SQL Fundamentals,Third Edition, teaches you how to
* Build simple statements to retrieve, store, or modify data
* Craft complex queries that draw information from multiple tables
* Sort and summarize your data just the way you want it
* Create and edit your own tables
* Protect the integrity of your data
* Create more efficient, high-performance queries
* Work with unions, subqueries, self joins, cross joins, inner joins, and outer joins
* Use the Oracle Data Dictionary
Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V Unleashed
Using the Hyper-V virtualization capabilities built into Windows Server 2008, organizations can slash costs for power, space, and maintenance, and dramatically improve IT flexibility at the same time. This is the first book to offer comprehensive, independent, real-world coverage of planning, designing, implementing, and supporting Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V virtualization environments. Authored by Rand Morimoto and Jeff Guillet–top consultants of Microsoft technologies with unsurpassed experience deploying Hyper-V in enterprise organizations–this book delivers start-to-finish guidance for every facet of your virtualization initiative.
Leverage the experience from hundreds of real world implementations of Hyper-V and Virtual Machine Manager 2008 in your deployment of a virtualized server environment
* Implement best practices for planning, prototyping, and deploying Hyper-V–including strategies, processes, and templates
* Install and configure Windows 2008 Server with Windows Hyper-V Services
* Provide guest operating systems ranging from Windows 2003 Server to Linux
* Administer Hyper-V Host Servers as standalone hosts or in multiple host environments
* Optimize Hyper-V Host Server and guest sessions, by efficiently allocating memory, processors,
* disk space, and other resources
* Move from basic server virtualization to a systematically managed virtual enterprise environment
* Use Virtual Machine Manager 2008 to centrally monitor all your Hyper-V hosts and guest sessions
* Quickly provision new guest images wherever and whenever you need them
* Implement reliable failover processes to overcome failures in guest sessions, host systems, or sites
* Troubleshoot problems with both Hyper-V hosts and guest operating systems
Malicious Bots: An Inside Look into the Cyber-Criminal Underground of the Internet
Originally designed to sabotage or annihilate websites, computerized “Bots” are increasingly used in mass spamming events, fraud, extortion, identity theft, and software theft. Focusing on the malicious use of bots and bot herder means and motivations, Malicious Bots provides a much needed a resource for understanding the scope, sophistication, and criminal uses of bots and how to more proactively protect against them. Accessibly written, but with sufficient technical detail, the book introduces botnet threats and how they function and examines the top bot attacks against financial and government networks over the last four years to reveal the who, how, and why behind them.