“While you’re reading Neuro Web Design, you’ll probably find yourself thinking ‘I already knew that…’ a lot. But when you’re finished, you’ll discover that your ability to create effective web sites has mysteriously improved. A brilliant idea for a book, and very nicely done.”
— Steve Krug, author of Don’t Make Me Think!
A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability
Why do people decide to buy a product online? Register at your Web site? Trust the information you provide? Neuro Web Design applies the research on motivation, decision making, and neuroscience to the design of Web sites. You will learn the unconscious reasons for people’s actions, how emotions affect decisions, and how to apply the principles of persuasion to design Web sites that encourage users to click.
Neuro Web Design employs “neuro-marketing” concepts, which are at the intersection of psychology and user experience. It’s scientific, yet you’ll find it accessible, easy to read, and easy to understand. By applying the concepts and examples in this book, you’ll be able to dramatically increase the effectiveness and conversion rates of your own Web site.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Neuro Web Design: What Makes Them Click?
Android Application Development: Programming with the Google SDK
This practical book provides the concepts and code you need to develop software with Android, the open-source platform for cell phones and mobile devices that's generating enthusiasm across the industry. Based on the Linux operating system and developed by Google and the Open Handset Alliance, Android has the potential to unite a fragmented mobile market. Android Application Development introduces this programming environment, and offers you a complete working example that demonstrates Android architectural features and APIs. With this book, you will:
Get a complete introduction to the Android programming environment, architecture, and tools Build a modular application, beginning with a core module that serves to launch modules added in subsequent chapters Learn the concepts and architecture of a specific feature set, including views, maps, location-based services, persistent data storage, 2D and 3D graphics, media services, telephony services, and messaging Use ready-to-run example code that implements each feature Delve into advanced topics, such as security, custom views, performance analysis, and internationalization.
The book is a natural complement to the existing Android documentation provided by Google. Whether you want to develop a commercial application for mobile devices, or just want to create a mobile mashup for personal use, Android Application Development demonstrates how you can design, build, and test applications for the new mobile market.
Automating System Administration with Perl: Tools to Make You More Efficient
If you do systems administration work of any kind, you have to deal with the growing complexity of your environment and increasing demands on your time.
Automating System Administration with Perl, Second Edition, not only offers you the right tools for your job, but also suggests the best way to approach specific problems and to securely automate recurring tasks. Updated and expanded to cover the latest operating systems, technologies, and Perl modules, this edition of the "Otter Book" will help you:
Manage user accounts Monitor filesystems and processes Work with configuration files in important formats such as XML and YAML Administer databases, including MySQL, MS-SQL, and Oracle with DBI Work with directory services like LDAP and Active Directory Script email protocols and spam control Effectively create, handle, and analyze log files Administer network name and configuration services, including NIS, DNS and DHCP Maintain, monitor, and map network services, using technologies and tools such as SNMP, nmap, libpcap, GraphViz and RRDtool Improve filesystem, process, and network security.
This edition includes additional appendixes to get you up to speed on technologies such as XML/XPath, LDAP, SNMP, and SQL. With this book in hand and Perl in
your toolbox, you can do more with less -- fewer resources, less effort, and far less hassle.
Java SOA Cookbook
Java SOA Cookbook offers practical solutions and advice to programmers charged with implementing a service-oriented architecture (SOA) in their organization.
Instead of providing another conceptual, high-level view of SOA, this cookbook shows you how to make SOA work. It's full of Java and XML code you can insert directly into your applications and recipes you can apply right away. The book focuses primarily on the use of free and open source Java Web Services technologies -- including Java SE 6 and Java EE 5 tools -- but you'll find tips for using commercially available tools as well. Java SOA Cookbook will help you:
Construct XML vocabularies and data models appropriate to SOA applications Build real-world web services using the latest Java standards, including JAX-WS 2.1 and JAX-RS 1.0 for RESTful web services Integrate applications from popular service providers using SOAP, POX, and Atom Create service orchestrations with complete coverage of the WS-BPEL (Business Process Execution Language) 2.0 standard Improve the reliability of SOAP-based services with specifications such as WS-Reliable Messaging Deal with governance, interoperability, and quality-of-service issues.
The recipes in Java SOA Cookbook will equip you with the knowledge you need to approach SOA as an integration challenge, not an obstacle.